Moore Musings on Marriage & Relationships
God Learnings,  Mini Musing

Mini Musing – Delighted

If you are a feijoa lover then autumn in New Zealand is a great season, especially if you know someone with a tree! These types of trees can be so abundant with fruit that when you say yes to “some” feijoa’s the giver will often supply you with a massive bag of them!  As they hand it over, with a smile on their face, it is as if they are passing on the mission – you too now have to find as many ways as possible to use up the fruit before they go bad.

The other day as I was sorting through another bag of gifted feijoa’s I felt a whisper drift across my heart. 

My blessings towards you are like the fruit of the feijoa tree. Abundant, overflowing, extravagant!

I had just read Psalm 37:23 which says that God directs the steps of those who love Him and that He delights in every detail of their lives.  I was so taken by the word DELIGHT.  For me, it speaks to the goodness of our God.  If He delights in the details of where He directs us, then those details have to be good.  The circumstances we find ourselves in may not be good, but God is always working in the details and bringing about His good plans for our lives. These little details make him glad and remind us that God cares and is in control.

As I continued to ponder I saw many blessings scattered on the ground each morning, ready for the picking – little God moments, peaceful thoughts, the silly cuteness of a child, unexpected connections with people, or a rainbow reminder.

However, while God has an abundance of good things in store for us, sometimes we can miss out on them.  Like the fruit which is left on the ground too long turns bad and is no longer nice to eat, if we don’t listen for the little whispers, are too busy doing our own thing or focused on the task at hand, we can miss the moment of goodness right under our noses.

So what blessings has God got in store for you this week? Will you pause long enough to pick them up?

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